Friday, October 29, 2010

Time flies

Okay, my last post was over a year ago. Where the heck did the year go? Actually, I'd rather not think about that in great detail, since it hasn't been one of my finest years. My mother, who was not only my mom but a good friend and one of my biggest cheerleaders, passed away unexpectedly. A couple of months later, I got divorced. My oldest child started college (10 years before the youngest one leaves, so at least I don't have to worry about 'empty nest' for quite some time). At any rate, the grief and change killed my creative side, and I produced very little in the way of any fiber art.

However, I'm starting to feel the first stirrings of creativity again, which I see as a very good sign. And in order to encourage those stirrings, I needed to reorganize and neaten up my studio (a/k/a part of my basement and laundry room). For my fellow quilt artists on the QuiltArt mailing list, where a question was recently posed about 'where is your studio?,' here are some pix:

This one is my far wall and cutting table.

This next one is another wall near the stairs:

Here are some works in progress on my design wall (a/k/a curtain that covers a closet that holds my out of season clothes):

And finally, here's the trusty sewing machine:

A couple of months ago, I made reservations to go to the IQF in Houston. It would have been my first trip ever, but some things have since happened that have made it impossible for me to go, and I sadly cancelled my flight and hotel reservations. Oh well, there's always next year...


Unknown said...

I see you have one of the wonder machines by Brother! A whole crew of us have them here.

Rest assured, life will settle down to a dull roar and you will get to go to Houston again if that is your dream. Keep on stitching! Massive hugs.

Eileen said...

I LOVE your room! My fabric is in another room from where I try to create.
With all you've had going on in the past year, I give you so much credit for your strength.