Monday, October 27, 2008

Moved by the Spirit?

So, yesterday, I was helping out at church for a reception for a woman from our congregation who was being ordained. I don't know the woman personally, but know who she is/recognize her/have heard lots of wonderful things about her. For some reason, on Saturday night, the thought popped into my head that I should make her an art quilt to celebrate her ordination. I started it at 8 pm and finished it (yes, finished it) at 11 pm. It's about 17" x 30" and was the easiest quilt I have ever made. The colors came together with no effort, I encountered no snags with the sewing, and even the binding, which I typically loathe doing, went quickly. And I think it came out nice, too. While not the most elaborate piece of work I've ever done, it's got a simple and soothing quality. I honestly do think that sometimes Spirit moves people to do things, and I think this was one of those times. I never thought I'd be saying something like that, but there you have it, I am.

The funniest thing is that I realized that I needed to introduce myself to this woman, so that when she opened the gift, she'd know who it was from! I did so, and although I'm sure she's still wondering why someone she doesn't know made her something like this, at least she can put a face to the name!

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